Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about uni:check.


What is uni:check?

uni:check is an orientation tool that can assist in the general decision for or against studying at a university. It provides pupils and young adults with easily accessible information about student life and the University of Vienna in an interactive way.

What is uni:check not?

uni:check beinhaltet keine Informationen zu einzelnen Studienfächern und ist auch kein Tool, das Auskunft darüber gibt, für welches Studienfach/welche Studienfächer jemand „geeignet“ ist.uni:check ist ein Orientierungstool, das bei der grundsätzlichen Entscheidung für oder gegen ein Universitätsstudium unterstützt. Es vermittelt SchülerInnen und jungen Erwachsenen interaktiv leicht zugängliche Informationen zum Studienleben und über die Universität Wien.

uni:check does not contain information on individual subjects and is also not a tool that provides information about which subject(s) someone is “suitable” for.

Who is the target audience of uni:check?

uni:check is tailored to high school students in grades 10 to 13. We recommend completing uni:check in an early phase of your personal career decision, as the focus is on the general challenges of studying and life at university and not on individual subjects.

Why should uni:check be carried out?

Pupils who are considering starting a course of study at the University of Vienna not only have to deal with the courses on offer, but also familiarize themselves with the new institution, its requirements, tasks and opportunities.

Who developed uni:check?

uni:check was developed by psychologists at the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Vienna. More information can be found here: about uni:check

Is there a contact address?

Please send questions, feedback and reports of technical problems to this address: osa@univie.ac.at

Can uni:check make a statement about my personality?

No. You don't get a general evaluation of your personality, but an analysis of your own strengths and weaknesses in relation to a general ability to study. These include criteria such as willingness to learn and perform, independence and motivation. The results are based on your own information and only reflect what you have stated yourself.

Can uni:check make a statement about my intelligence quotient?

No, the intelligence quotient is not measured in uni:check and therefore no statement is made about intelligence.


How much time do I need for uni:check?

45 minutes. uni:check can be conducted independently by students within one school lesson, on their own smartphone, tablet or PC. But there is no time limit, you can take as much time as you want.

Do I have to register or create an account?

No. uni:check can be conducted anonymously.

Is any kind of preparation necessary to run uni:check?

No preparation is necessary. But you should take enough time (approx. 45 minutes) to be able to conduct all tasks without haste.

Can I run uni:check on my smartphone?

Yes, uni:check is optimized for PCs, tablets and smartphones.

Is uni:check barrier-free?

When creating uni:check, the basic standards for barrier-free Internet were taken into account as far as possible. Navigation is possible via the keyboard and most content can be read aloud via screen reader programs. In addition, an alternative CSS can be activated that increases the contrast and enlarges the font. Video/audio content is subtitled.

We are constantly working on further improving barrier-free access.

 If you encounter barriers and/or need support in completing your uni:check, please contact our Team Barrier-Free: barrierefrei@univie.ac.at

Is uni:check used as part of entrance exam procedures at the University of Vienna?

No, uni:check is not mandatory and never part of an entrance exam procedure.


Why is no specific recommendation for or against studying given in the end?

The information collected during uni:check can be used to capture some important requirements for studying at the University of Vienna, but not all of them. However, the personalized feedback can support your own decision-making process. uni:check offers information, but cannot take responsibility for the independent decision for or against studying at a university.

Who can see my results?

Individual results can only be viewed by the processing person and are used exclusively for self-assessment. Data is stored anonymously (i.e. without personal reference) on servers at the University of Vienna and used for statistical analysis in order to be able to continuously improve the quality of uni:check.

Can I recreate my feedback folder at some point after conducting uni:check?

Because results are stored anonymously, no personalized feedback folder can be recreated. We recommend saving your feedback folder immediately after finishing your uni:check. You can then review your own results in detail at a later point in time.